Chandelier Ministries is a non-profit Christian organization established in 2004
It is led by Kevin and Allison Hellier in conjunction with a Committee of Management
Our vision is to equip, empower and release Christians into powerful and effective ministries that reflect the Light of Christ.
This is worked out practically through networking and partnerships with individuals, churches, mission agencies, development agencies and other Faith-based organisations.
We send short-term teams and/or individuals to equip and empower national churches and other organizations to achieve their goals of reflecting the love and light of Christ to the local community. The countries worked in so far, include Vietnam, China, Hungary, Czech Republic, Philippines, Argentina, Myanmar, Indonesia, Belarus, and the USA.
To date the key areas of equipping are:![ming6]()
- Strategic planning and leadership development
- Capacity building of leaders and organizations
- Water, sanitation and hygiene projects
- Community health projects
- Project proposal development
What can Chandelier Ministries do for you or your international partners?
We are committed to the principle of “adding value” to the work of others. Individuals, churches, Christian Faith-Based Organizations (FBO’s) all have their own God-given visions and goals. Our strategy is to build relationship with those people and work collaboratively to add whatever value we can.
It operates under the Consumer Affairs – Victoria, Rules of an Association.